Our sexual "abilities" weaken not only due to operations, diseases and accidents but also because of the physiological process of aging.
During the past 15 years, medical doctors have proven in their many researches (see the reference below) that a regular training of the pelvic floor muscles (including the erectile muscles) improves potency, increases libido, provides joy from having sex and better sexual efficiency among men and women. Also, this training is the very base of treatment and prevention in cases of incontinence disorders (First-Line Therapy).
This phenomenon has been proven by the medical research conducted by the scientists in Miami (USA). The study shown that the women who suffer from urinary incontinence are considerably less active sexually and, what is also very important, they are less satisfied with their sexual life in comparison to the women who lack the incontinence disorders.
Previously, this training was based on therapeutic programs, which have been conducted in physiotherapy rooms or gymnasium, without any equipment nor weights. These exercises were rather similar to a standard gymnastics than a sophisticated training.
PROJECT ANDROS , however, in the field of pelvic floor and erectile muscles’ stimulation, employs the comprehensive training with the use of specialized equipment.
The innovation of ANDROS program, is based on the fact that its every original and specialized exercises are performed with the use of additional weight (at first, under the supervision of an instructor), adjusted personally and with the use of the specialized S6-PRIAPOS equipment.
The S6-PRIAPOS is the only machine of this type in the world (!) and it was designed and prepared exclusively for PROJECT ANDROS – more information can be found in the section devoted to S6-PRIAPOS.
For every man and woman, potency is like an indicator of the self esteem and a health barometer – not only the physical health, but also the mental side. This, in turn, translates into the successful sexual live and is the quintessence of every relationship and in its every stage.

This is why it is worth to start the PROJECT ANDROS, which is beneficial to the sexual "abilities" as listed below:
The huge trump of PROJECT ANDROS, in case of the training of pelvic floor muscles, is its usefulness for both men and women (!). Therefore, there is nothing in the way to train together and then... to check whether IT works!
PROJECT ANDROS focuses on the muscles of the "erectile area" and the pelvis. However, the base of our health must consist of the exercises on the rest of our muscles.
The performance of these exercises is possible with the S6-PRIAPOS machine.
More information concerning PROJECT ANDROS training and the supplementary exercises that can be performed on the S6 PRIAPOS equipment are presented in the S6-PRIAPOS section.
Physical exercises in general should be an essential part of our healthy lifestyle. Physical exercises are also the perfect prevention health disorders and there is no justification when we neglect our bodies.
Every age is good to start physical exercises. Of course, it is easier for youngster but the older people have greater needs for physical exercise performance. All this is just to make the good use of your life achievements while being healthy and in a good shape.

The benefits of regular trainings are presented in our section WHY IS IT WORTH TO TRAIN?.

During the past 15 years, medical doctors have proven in their many researches (see the reference below) that a regular training of the pelvic floor muscles (including the erectile muscles) improves potency, increases libido, provides joy from having sex and better sexual efficiency among men and women. Also, this training is the very base of treatment and prevention in cases of incontinence disorders (First-Line Therapy).
This phenomenon has been proven by the medical research conducted by the scientists in Miami (USA). The study shown that the women who suffer from urinary incontinence are considerably less active sexually and, what is also very important, they are less satisfied with their sexual life in comparison to the women who lack the incontinence disorders.
Previously, this training was based on therapeutic programs, which have been conducted in physiotherapy rooms or gymnasium, without any equipment nor weights. These exercises were rather similar to a standard gymnastics than a sophisticated training.
PROJECT ANDROS , however, in the field of pelvic floor and erectile muscles’ stimulation, employs the comprehensive training with the use of specialized equipment.
The innovation of ANDROS program, is based on the fact that its every original and specialized exercises are performed with the use of additional weight (at first, under the supervision of an instructor), adjusted personally and with the use of the specialized S6-PRIAPOS equipment.
The S6-PRIAPOS is the only machine of this type in the world (!) and it was designed and prepared exclusively for PROJECT ANDROS – more information can be found in the section devoted to S6-PRIAPOS.
Benefits from maintaining and strengthening of the sexual abilities and the restoration of the proper continence mechanism (urinary continence).
For every man and woman, potency is like an indicator of the self esteem and a health barometer – not only the physical health, but also the mental side. This, in turn, translates into the successful sexual live and is the quintessence of every relationship and in its every stage.

This is why it is worth to start the PROJECT ANDROS, which is beneficial to the sexual "abilities" as listed below:
The huge trump of PROJECT ANDROS, in case of the training of pelvic floor muscles, is its usefulness for both men and women (!). Therefore, there is nothing in the way to train together and then... to check whether IT works!
Selected medical literature:
Ballard DJ (1997): "Treatment of erectile dysfunction: can pelvic muscle exercises improve sexual function?", J Wound Ostomy Continence Nurs 1997 Sep;24(5):255-64
Salem H, Mostafa T (2012): "Rehabilitation of the cavernous smooth muscle in patients with organic erectile dysfunction.", Andrologia 2012 Apr;44(2):125-9
Lowenstein L et al. (2010): "Can stronger pelvic muscle floor improve sexual function?", Int Urogynecol J 2010 May;21(5):553-6
Rosenbaum TY (2007): "Pelvic floor involvement in male and female sexual dysfunction and the role of pelvic floor rehabilitation in treatment: a literature review.", J Sex Med. Jan;4:4-13
Shafik A (2000): "The role of the levator ani muscle in evacuation, sexual performance and pelvic floor disorders." Int Urogynecol J Pelvic Floor Dysfunct. Dec;11(6):361-76
Shafik A et al. (2006): "Study of the cremasteric muscle during erection.", Surg Radiol Anat. Dec;28(6):569-72
Dorey G at al. (2005): "Pelvic floor exercises for erectile dysfunction.", BJU Int Sep;96:595-7
Sommer F (2000): "Vigorobic" 1. Auflage, Meyer&Meyer Verlag, Aachen 2000
Stafne SF et al. (2012): "Does regular exercise including pelvic floor muscle training prevent urinary and anal incontinence during pregnancy? A randomised controlled trial.", BJOG Sep;119(10):1270-80
Shafik A (1997) : "Pelvic floor muscles and sphincters during erection and ejaculation.", Arch Androl. Jul-Aug;39(1):71-8
Cochrane Database Syst Rev. (2010): "Pelvic floor muscle training versus no treatment, or inactive control treatments, for urinary incontinence in women." 2010 Jan 20;(1):CD005654
Prota C et al. (2012): "Early postoperative pelvic-floor biofeedback improves erectile function in men undergoing radical prostatectomy: a prospective, randomized, controlled trial." Int J Impot Res 2012 Sep;24(5):174-8
Ballard DJ (1997): "Treatment of erectile dysfunction: can pelvic muscle exercises improve sexual function?", J Wound Ostomy Continence Nurs 1997 Sep;24(5):255-64
Salem H, Mostafa T (2012): "Rehabilitation of the cavernous smooth muscle in patients with organic erectile dysfunction.", Andrologia 2012 Apr;44(2):125-9
Lowenstein L et al. (2010): "Can stronger pelvic muscle floor improve sexual function?", Int Urogynecol J 2010 May;21(5):553-6
Rosenbaum TY (2007): "Pelvic floor involvement in male and female sexual dysfunction and the role of pelvic floor rehabilitation in treatment: a literature review.", J Sex Med. Jan;4:4-13
Shafik A (2000): "The role of the levator ani muscle in evacuation, sexual performance and pelvic floor disorders." Int Urogynecol J Pelvic Floor Dysfunct. Dec;11(6):361-76
Shafik A et al. (2006): "Study of the cremasteric muscle during erection.", Surg Radiol Anat. Dec;28(6):569-72
Dorey G at al. (2005): "Pelvic floor exercises for erectile dysfunction.", BJU Int Sep;96:595-7
Sommer F (2000): "Vigorobic" 1. Auflage, Meyer&Meyer Verlag, Aachen 2000
Stafne SF et al. (2012): "Does regular exercise including pelvic floor muscle training prevent urinary and anal incontinence during pregnancy? A randomised controlled trial.", BJOG Sep;119(10):1270-80
Shafik A (1997) : "Pelvic floor muscles and sphincters during erection and ejaculation.", Arch Androl. Jul-Aug;39(1):71-8
Cochrane Database Syst Rev. (2010): "Pelvic floor muscle training versus no treatment, or inactive control treatments, for urinary incontinence in women." 2010 Jan 20;(1):CD005654
Prota C et al. (2012): "Early postoperative pelvic-floor biofeedback improves erectile function in men undergoing radical prostatectomy: a prospective, randomized, controlled trial." Int J Impot Res 2012 Sep;24(5):174-8
PROJECT ANDROS focuses on the muscles of the "erectile area" and the pelvis. However, the base of our health must consist of the exercises on the rest of our muscles.
The performance of these exercises is possible with the S6-PRIAPOS machine.
More information concerning PROJECT ANDROS training and the supplementary exercises that can be performed on the S6 PRIAPOS equipment are presented in the S6-PRIAPOS section.
Physical exercises in general should be an essential part of our healthy lifestyle. Physical exercises are also the perfect prevention health disorders and there is no justification when we neglect our bodies.
Every age is good to start physical exercises. Of course, it is easier for youngster but the older people have greater needs for physical exercise performance. All this is just to make the good use of your life achievements while being healthy and in a good shape.

The benefits of regular trainings are presented in our section WHY IS IT WORTH TO TRAIN?.